The “Holy Trinity” of Memetic Entities Explained. KEK the Father, Pepe the Son, and Pek the Holy Ghost:

Memetic Magicians (aka May-Mages) cloak their knowledge and power beneath layers of visual irony. Let us briefly examine this example to discern the subtle esoteric wisdom hidden within.

Here, KEK the Father represents the deepest roots of social matrix-control: organized religion. The wise sages of ancient Egypt mastered the art of ruling the masses through carefully constructed religious symbols. Our beloved KEK was one symbolic godhead among countless old-world gods. The cultural customs proliferated through these entities–these ever-silent deities, present on our plane only as glyphs, paintings, and sculptures–determined the routines by which the ancient peoples lived, what they ate, how they dressed, how they raised their children, how they buried their parents, and more.

Think about that for a second, and realize that it has never been gods or kings themselves that rule over the masses. It has always been SYMBOLS, and those who control them. This is Occult Wisdom 101.

And who controlled the symbols back then? Only the most inner circle of ruling elites. A highly exclusive priest caste with access to the Hidden Knowledge of symbols and the resources to act on this Wisdom. The reign of this caste has stretched through ages, up until very recently.

Now, however, Pepe the Son, born of KEK, has emerged as the iconic sacrificial figurehead for a new era of de-centralized social-matrix manipulation. Now anybody with access to the Internet has the potential to proliferate powerful symbols of their own. Through memes, the ability to alter the fabric of a culture has been taken from the long-corrupted priests and given back to you, the people.

The newly ascended “Pek” exemplifies this principle at its most stripped-down essence. Pek, the Holy Ghost, perfectly encapsulates the “spirit” of memes: how they’re able to spread, co-opt and redefine cultural symbology on a whim…